My name is Isaac, but the only people that will visit this site often are people that know me by my screen name, .oxo.  It's the shortened form of Oxocutable [pron. /AHKS-oh-kyoot-uh-bull/].  In it's shortened form .oxo it can be read in two ways, as standard, and as [/AHKS-oh/]. Frequently people also call me by my former screen name, King Lapis.  It's been used in a multitude of fashions (kinglapis1, KingLapis1, King_Lapis_1, etc.), but its first use was as my Minecraft username back in 2011.
   I'm an 18-year-old student studying all forms of computers.  I have an A+ certification from CompTIA and I'm working on my CCNA from Cisco.  I like the colour blue, and no, I only spell some things using British English.  I love science, math, and writing.  Upon first meeting, you might think I'm the shy quiet type unless you met me in public school.  If you meet me anywhere that I'm in my comfort zone, you'll find out rather quickly that I'm weird.  I can make weird noises, I find my own terribly dry and dark jokes funny sometimes, I lose myself in things some days, I'm a nerd and social outcast.  But, through all of it, I can be reserved and logical.  Every coin has two sides, you just have to find a way to flip it.
   I play TTRPGs a lot, from D&D to Warhammer 40K to JTTRPGs I'm not allowed to say the name of in English.  Almost anything that has logic problems and patterns, I play it.  Pokémon Trading Card Game?  Yep.  Tetris?  Yep.  Chrono Trigger?  Yep.  Roblox?  Nope, because off-brand Kreo blocks are better than all of Roblox combined.  How do they even have merchandise if the concept of the game is to make everything your own?  Anyway, I'm an avid gamer.  I tend to lose myself in worlds that aren't real because the universe is too large to contemplate in one afternoon.  We all have coping mechanisms.
   Music has had a profound impact on me since I was very small.  From the age of about one, I've felt emotions while listening to music.  I cried, and sometimes still do, listening to some of Beethoven's pieces.  It wasn't a cry like I didn't want the music, the music was just sad so I did what was natural.  Now I actually have a musical pallet and taste.  I like extremes, so I want it to go fast or slow, with no in-betweens.  Home is one of my favourite artists, his music inspires some of what I do here on the site.  I also like techno, acid genres, and industrial-tech.  Yes, industrial-tech is a thing (see here).
   Fleshing out a website without a context of what you want it to look like when you're done and not having the tools you'll use at the end of your website's inevitable end leads to some interesting thoughts.  Should I make and sell a merch line?  Should I actually look at my website's stats and attempt to profit off of it?  I tend to be forming more questions than I'm answering.  This website is therapeutic for me, maybe by the end, I'll feel better about myself.  Maybe by the end, people will figure out what I'm trying to say.  Anyway, thanks for reading.

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